IUCr XXV for Prague, CZ has been postponed from August 2020 until August 2021. The Day-0 Workshop on MX raw image data formats, metadata and validation is in two editions:
As an e-meeting via BlueJeans on Saturday, 22 August 2020, from 9 am until 3 pm, Prague Time (GMT+2) which is 1 hour later than London time (8 am until 2 pm), 6 hours later than New York City time (3 am until 9 am), which has been help and is reported on below, and
As a face-to-face Day-0 workshop to be held in Prague on Saturday, 14 August 2021.
This is a report for the 22 August 2020 e-workshop on MX raw image data formats, metadata and validation. The registered participants were:
name | affilitation | |
Jun Aishima | Brookhaven National Lab | jaishima at bnl dot gov |
Alun Ashton | Paul Scherrer Institut | alun dot ashtonat psi dot ch |
Oskar Aurelius | MAX IV Laboratory | oskar dot aureliusat maxiv dot lu dot se |
Frances C. Bernstein | Bernstein + Sons | fcb at bernstein-plus-sons dot com |
Herbert J. Bernstein | Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship,c/o NSLS-II BNL | yayahjb at gmail dot com |
Gleb Bourenkov | EMBL Hamburg | gleb at embl-hamburg dot de |
Aaron Brewster | LBL | asbrewster at lbl dot gov |
Gerard Bricogne | Global Phasing Ltd. | gb10 at globalphasing dot com |
Sandor Brockhauser | European XFEL | sandor dot brockhauser at xfel dot eu |
Tom Caradoc-Davies | Australian Synchrotron -- ANSTO | thomasc at ansto dot gov dot au |
Scott Classen | ALS -- Berkeley National Laboratory | sclassen at lbl dot gov |
Ian Clifton | Oxford University | ian dot clifton at chem dot ox dot ac dot uk |
Gregg Crichlow | RCSB Protein Data Bank | gc663@iqb.rutgers.edu at iqb dot rutgers dot edu |
Vikram Dalal | Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | vikram dot dalal dot 37 at gmail dot com |
Fabio Dall'Antonia | European XFEL | fabio dot dall dot antonia at xfel dot eu |
Poonam Dhankhar | Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | dhankharp16 at gmail dot com |
Daniel Eriksson | Australian Synchrotron -- ANSTO | daniele dot eriksson at ansto dot gov dot au |
Andreas Förster | DECTRIS Ltd | andreas dot foerster at dectris dot com |
Luca Gelisio, | Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY | luca dot gelisio at cfel dot de |
Carlotta Giacobbe | ESRF | carlotta dot giacobbe at gmail dot com |
Andy Götz | ESRF | andy dot gotz at esrf dot fr |
David Hall | Diamond Light Source | david dot hall at diamond dot ac dot uk |
Paul Hathaway | Diamond Light Source | paul dot hathaway at diamond dot ac dot uk |
John Helliwell | School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, UK | john dot helliwell at manchester dot ac dot uk |
Natalie Johnson | CCDC | njohnson at ccdc dot cam dot ac dot uk |
Wonchull Kang | University of California Irvine | w dot kang at uci dot edu |
Wei-Chun Kao | University of Freiburg | wei-chun dot kao at biochemie dot uni-freiburg dot de |
Rajnandani Kashyap | CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India | kashyap dot rajnandani at gmail dot com |
Kong Wai-Po | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | wai-po-ball dot kong at connect dot polyu dot hk |
Dale Kreitler | CBMS, NSLS-II, BNL | dkreitler at bnl dot gov |
Loes M. J. Kroon-Batenburg | Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University | l dot m dot j dot kroon-batenburg at uu dot nl |
Filip Leonarski | PSI | filip dot leonarski at psi dot ch |
Filipe Maia | Uppsala University | filipe at xray dot bmc dot uu dot se |
Brian McMahon | IUCr | bm at iucr dot org |
Valerio Mariani | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | valmar at slac dot stanford dot edu |
Jie Nan | MAX IV Laboratory | jie dot nan at maxiv dot lu dot se |
Marina Nikolova | EMBL, Hamburg | nikolova at embl-hamburg dot de |
Majid Ounsy | SOLEIL Synchrotron | majid dot ounsy at synchrotron-soleil dot fr |
Evgenii Osipov | KU Leuven | e dot m dot osipov at gmail dot com |
Jason Price | ANSTO -- Melbourne | jasonp at ansto dot gov dot au |
Daniel Salvat | ALBA Synchrotron (Barcelona) | dsalvat at cells dot es |
Gianluca Santoni | ESRF | gianluca dot santoni at esrf dot fr |
Thomas Schneider | EMBL Hamburg and DESY | thomas dot schneider at embl-hamburg dot de |
Irwin Selvam | University of Manchester | irwin dot selvam at postgrad dot manchester dot ac dot uk |
Kate Mary Louise Smith | PSI | kate dot smith at psi dot ch |
S. Sriram | Indian Institute of Science | hypowergravity at gmail dot com |
Amy Thompson | School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland |
amy dot thompson2 at uq dot net dot au |
Andrew Thompson | SOLEIL Synchrotron | andrew dot thompson at synchrotron-soleil dot fr |
Alexandra Tolstikova | DESY | alexandra dot tolstikova at desy dot de |
Sameer Velankar | PDB-e | sameer at ebi dot ac dot uk |
Clemens Vonrhein | Global Phasing Ltd., Cambridge, UK | vonrhein at globalphasing dot com |
Suzanna Ward | Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) | ward at ccdc dot cam dot ac dot uk |
John Westbrook | RCSB, Protein Data Bank | john dot westbrook at rcsb dot org |
Ben Williams | Diamond Light Source | ben dot williams at diamond dot ac dot uk |
Jon Wright | ESRF | wright at esrf dot fr |
Smita Yadav | Regional Centre for biotechnology, Haryana-121001. | smita at rcb dot res dot in |
The most important background information for the 2020 edition is the Gold Standard paper, [Herbert J. Bernstein, Andreas Förster, Asmit Bhowmick, Aaron S. Brewster, Sandor Brockhauser, Luca Gelisio, David R. Hall, Filip Leonarski, Valeria Mariani, Gianluca Santoni, Clemens Vonrhein, Graeme Winter, "Gold Standard for macromolecular crystallography diffraction data," IUCrJ 7, no. 5 (2020)] https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052252520008672
The talks linked to this report and this edited chat provide a great deal of information on the the state of work and issues related to using this standard. The following discussion points seem worth highlighting. Our thanks to John Helliwell in providing notes on these subjects.
The WorldWide PDB (wwPDB) encourages depositors to deposit raw data of their structure and then provide the DOI in the "Related experimental data sets" user interface during structure deposition in wwPDB OneDep. Depositors are strongly encouraged by the wwPDB to deposit related raw exprimental data (e.g. diffraction image data) in one of the curated archives, but if the raw data is in one of the non-curated archives, such as Zenodo, instead, the depositor should list that DOI. The details of the information that may be provided are given in the PDBx dictionary in the PDBX_RELATED_EXP_DATA_SET category. The wwPDB deposition FAQ at https://www.wwpdb.org/deposition/faq has information for depositors on how to link to raw data during their PDB deposition.
Preserving this data in CIF format is simple, but classic NeXus/HDF5 has not in the past provided all the necessary equivalent tags. In order to allow Gold Standard NeXus/HDF5 files to be complete, the NeXus NXpdb base class allows for the incorporation of all necessary mmCIF/PDBx dictionary tags within NeXus files, e.g. within NXsample. The entire core CIF dictionary is included within this set of tags, so all the crystal morphology tags are available.
For XFEL data, pump-probe experiments and other time-resolved experiments, time-stampled event logging is important. There are tags for time stamping in NeXus, and some of them are already used, but more work is needed to resolve performance and optimal representation issues. We will not delay implementation of the Gold Standard as it now stands while these are discussed, but will give a high priority to improving documentation of time stamps and to exploring alternatives during the Fall of 2020.
It is important that data be reported to a precision appropriate to the experiment. Both CIF and NeXus provide tags to carry the uncertainties in data. When information to fill in these fields is available, it should be recorded. We will add reminders about these tags to the documentation of the Gold Standard.
The necessary tags are available in both CIF and NeXus. We will add more examples in Zenodo as they are developed.
Saturday, 22 August 2020 | ||||
Prague LondonNew York | topic | min | conf | |
9:00 -- 9:158:00 -- 8:15 3:00 -- 3:15 |
Set up for BlueJeans, test connections | 15 | ||
Session 1 | Introduction to the Gold Standard | |||
9:15 -- 9:45 8:15 -- 8:45 3:15 -- 3:45 | Loes Kroon-Batenburg | FAIR and MX Raw Data pdf | 30 | yes |
9:45 -- 10:15 8:45 -- 9:15 3:45 -- 4:15 | Herbert J
Bernstein (Ronin Institute) |
MX raw data formats and the Gold Standard pdf | 30 | yes |
10:15 -- 10:30 9:15 -- 9:30 4:15 -- 4:30 |
Coffee break (bring your own coffee, tea or other refreshments) | 15 | ||
Session 2 | Stream to Gold Standard - Working with FAIR data | |||
10:30 -- 10:45 9:30 -- 9:45 4:30 -- 4:45 |
Andreas Förster (DECTRIS) |
Stream2 and FileWriter2 pdf | 15 | yes |
10:55 -- 11:10 9:55 -- 10:10 4:55 -- 5:10 |
Paul Hathaway (DLS) Ben Williams (DLS) |
The Gold Standard at DLS pdf | 15 | yes |
11:10 -- 11:25 10:10 -- 10:25 5:10 -- 5:25 |
Filip Leonarski (PSI) |
The Gold Standard at PSI pdf | 15 | yes |
11:25 -- 11:35 10:25 -- 10:35 5:25 -- 5:35 |
break (bring your own coffee, tea or other refreshments) | 10 | ||
11:35 -- 11:50 10:35 -- 10:50 5:35 -- 5:50 |
Dale Kreitler (NSLS-II) |
The Gold Standard at NSLS-II pdf | 15 | yes |
11:50 -- 12:05 10:50 -- 11:05 5:50 -- 6:05 |
Jie Nan (MAX IV) |
The MX Data at Max IV pdf | 15 | yes |
12:05 -- 12:30 11:05 -- 11:30 6:05 -- 6:30 |
Clemens Vonrhein (Global Phasing) |
Requirements of automatic processing pdf | 25 | yes |
12:30 -- 12:55 11:30 -- 11:55 6:30 -- 6:55 |
Sameer Velankar (PDB-e) | How can PDB submission be made more automatic pdf | 25 | yes |
12:55 -- 13:30 11:55 -- 12:30 6:55 -- 7:30 |
Lunch break (bring your own lunch or breakfast ..., as appropriate to your time zone) | 35 | ||
Session 3 | The future of the Gold Standard | |||
13:30 -- 13:50 12:30 -- 12:50 7:30 -- 7:50 |
Aaron Brewster (LBL) |
The Gold Standard at XFELs pdf | 20 | yes |
13:50 -- 14:10 12:50 -- 13:10 7:50 -- 8:10 |
Jason Price (ANSTO -Melbourne (Australian Synchrotron)) and Natalie Johnson (CCDC) |
HDR Detectors and Chemical Crystallography at the Australian Synchrotron MX Beamlines pdf, Synchrotron Data in the CSD pdf |
20 | yes |
14:10 -- 15:00 13:15 -- 14:00 8:10 -- 9:00 |
Open discussion What metadata are lacking at the moment? What problems are we envisioning? |
50 |